

Education and Qualification are core issues in human and society's cultural and economic development. People in precarious living conditions in slums or rural areas as illiterates or migrants all have the right to get state-of-the-art standards in education, training, and self-improvement in programs like Youth or Migrant Entrepreneurship, SHG, or Agricultural Business Improvement.


IfTQ-Cert is based on many years of experience in Entrepreneurship Training in developing and threshold countries and regions in India and Sub-Sahara Africa for the underprivileged or Migrant Entrepreneurship in Germany. We always work in collaboration with local and international NGOs, institutes, and universities to keep Best Practise concepts to foster qualitative sustainable livelihood.


IfTQ-Cert is a private academic institute to advise and certify Quality Standards in Training Programs and Methodology, Train-the-Trainer qualification, and in Entrepreneurship and Management Training – following international ISO quality norms beyond national standards, incl. socio-cultural customization in the various training environment, cultures, and individual needs.



  • IfTQ-Cert works non-profit-oriented and often honorary,
  • all members and network staff have years of international experiences in training programs in Private Business, Social Business, and/or NGOs
  • incl. academic research and publications,
  • particularly in rural or precarious areas and living situations too.